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Reaching Out

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Coffee Lounge

Opening times
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday: 10am to 12 noon.
(Closed on Thursdays and Bank Holidays.)

Come and enjoy morning tea or coffee in our friendly coffee lounge. If the weather is fine you could even sit outside on our patio.

We are a Fairtrade-accredited Church serving Fairtrade coffee, Fairtrade tea, Fairtrade hot chocolate and a selection of fruit and herbal teas, all served with a complimentary biscuit.

We are always looking for more volunteers to serve morning coffee. If you are interested, please contact the Church Administrator, tel: 01202 600696.

Pastoral support

To complement the pastoral care offered by our Ministers and our Circuit lay workers, we have an active team of pastoral visitors within our church. Our emphasis is to nurture and care for each other, which helps build a strong fellowship within the Church.

Stepping Stones

On the second Friday of every month from 2.30pm to 4pm, we are happy to be able to host a Memory Café in the Coffee Lounge. The sessions are particularly relevant for people with memory loss and their carers, and older people who can benefit from social interaction. The afternoon includes tea, cakes, chat, and a choice of activities ranging from carpet bowls, dominoes, quizzes, puzzles, colouring to simple flower arranging and singing. Some people prefer to sit and chat! In the future, Stepping Stones hopes to reach out further into our community and enhance understanding and tolerance in as many settings as possible.

We currently have spare spaces in the group. More volunteers would also be welcome. For more information, visit the Broadstone Stepping Stones website or telephone 01202 696523.

© 2025 – Broadstone Methodist Church