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Notices & Worship Sheets

Our weekly notice sheets provide details about our church services, as well as other events and news items. You can view the latest ones below. Here too are the worship materials to accompany our weekly Circuit audio services.

Notices 28 July
Notices for Sunday 28 July
Notices 21 July
Notices for Sunday 21 July
Worship@Home 21 July
Worship@Home_21 July_Rev Tony
Notices 14 July
Notices for Sunday 14 July
Notices 7 July
Notices for Sunday 7 July
CTiB Prayer
CTiB Prayer Diary Jun-Jul 2024

Worship & Events

Holiday Messy Church

Thursday 25 July, 10am – 12.30pm (includes snack lunch)
For more details please see our Children and Families page

Morning Worship

Sunday 28 July at 10.30am
Led by Rev Karen James

Evening Worship on Zoom

Sunday 28 July at 6pm
Led by Deacon Gill Judge
Please log on from 5.50pm
Link available by emailing the Circuit Office
More details on the Poole Bay Methodist Circuit website

Regular Events

Coffee Lounge open for fellowship and refreshments

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
10am – 12 midday.
(Closed on Thursdays and Bank Holidays.)
We look forward to seeing you and to chat over a cuppa!

Knit and Natter

Mondays from 10am – 12 noon in the Sanctuary. (Not meeting in August.)
Please see more details on our Groups page.

Church Badminton Group

Mondays 7.30 – 9.30pm in Bradbury Hall. (Not meeting in August.)
Please see more details on our Groups page.

Choral Group

Thursdays 7.30pm – 9pm in the Sanctuary. (Not meeting currently.)
Please see more details on our Groups page

Holiday Messy Church

One session each school holiday, usually a Thursday, from 10am – 12.30pm (includes snack lunch).
Please see more details on our Children and Families page.

Thirsty Thursday

Thursdays in term time at 3.15pm – 4.30pm in the Bradbury Hall.
For school children (up to about Year 5) and their parent or carer.
Please see more details on our Children and Families page.

Wendy House Toddler Group

Thursdays in term time, 10am – 11.30am in the Sharland Hall. Small charge per session.
Please see more details on our Children and Families page.

For more information about any of our activities, especially those for children and families, please connect with us on Facebook.

For details of events elsewhere in our Church Circuit, please visit Poole Bay Methodist Circuit website.

© 2024 – Broadstone Methodist Church