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Badminton Group

The church badminton group meets on Monday evenings in the Bradbury Hall from 7.30pm – 9.30pm (except Bank Holidays and August). New members will receive a warm welcome.

Broadstone Justice and Peace Group (with Churches Together in Broadstone)

We are a group of people committed to peace, justice and love in our community and beyond. Our focus will include ending poverty, equality of opportunity, and ecological issues. If you share our ideals and want to get involved, please speak to our Church Stewards or see more information on St John's Church website at

Choral Group (not meeting at the moment)

The Choral Group meets in the church on Thursdays from 7.30pm – 9pm, under the leadership of Joan Jackson. The singers make an important contribution to worship, particularly during special services such as Easter, Harvest, Church Anniversary and Christmas. New members will be very welcome. You don't have to read music – just enjoy singing!

Knit and Natter Group

knit and natter

Broadstone Methodist Knit and Natter Group meets in the church every Monday from 10am to 12 noon (except Bank Holidays and August). New faces are always welcome to meet in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere to knit, crochet and sew over a cup of tea or coffee. You can bring your own project or join one of our own charity projects, where wool and needles can be provided.
All skills are welcome! Contact Terry Millard for more information. (Contact details via the Church Administrator – Tel: 01202 600696)

Worship Band

Our small band of musicians often supports the organist or pianist during morning worship. We would welcome new members, regardless of age, ability or musical instrument. Please speak to Isabel Rigby if you are interested. (Contact details via the Church Administrator – Tel: 01202 600696)

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