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Minister's letter for 7 July

Dear Friends,

Deacon Suzie and I have just returned from this year's conference held in Leeds. There is so much to process and to share but that may need longer than the, less than 24 hours, I have been back in Dorset at this moment. The theme chosen by the President and Vice-President this year is Protest and Praise and I do encourage you to listen to their addresses, available online (in both video and text format) from the opening of the Conference. I will be using parts of them in services over the next few weeks!

We also celebrated the 50th anniversary of ordinations for women presbyters this year. There is a photo which I will be sending to the Circuit office but I am sure it will also be available on the Methodist website – you may recognise one of the people who happened to be standing at the front, in a brightly coloured shirt! But it was a time to reflect on the trail that those first female presbyters set out upon, and one which I am privileged and delighted to be following and give thanks for the inspiration these women and all who have followed have brought to so many.

I will finish with the opening bible verse (and challenge) from the President's address.

"Learn to do what is right, seek justice, defend the oppressed." Isaiah 1:17a

Words that are so significant on today, 4th July, the General Election- I hope that you have all used your vote!

Every blessing
Rev Karen

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