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Minister's letter, 15 September

Dear Friends,

A belated "Happy Connexional New Year"!

We have been very pleased to welcome Reverend Sarah Knebel and her family, Rob, Keira and Clara, to the circuit and look forward to getting to know them better as they settle in to new roles and schools.

September seems to usually have that getting back to business feel about it. Not least because of the flurry of meetings that seem to accrue at this time of year in the Methodist Church. Most of them are even necessary! It may be that some of us are having to navigate changes in our lives such as moving house or congregations or jobs. It might be that we are having to adapt to new ways of living our lives or applying a new mindset to familiar situations. Whether chosen or not, whether it is eagerly anticipated or not, we should not underestimate the energy that is required.

Here, in this place, September is a busy time of the year for all sorts of organisations, groups and individuals. And so it is even more important that we remember to rest. Sabbath. To purposefully interrupt the business of life can be a Godly act, and it is counter cultural. To focus on being fully present in one moment is a skill that we need to cultivate. Learning to let go, stepping back and creating space for God to communicate with us, is essential for the well being of our whole selves.

We are able to recharge. A Sabbath rest, no matter how long it lasts, is equally as important as all the business that there is to do. By intentionally stopping and being attentive to God we may find that our business goes much smoother than solely relying on our own efforts, simply because we have taken the time to recharge and replenish ourselves spiritually, physically and emotionally.

Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God"

Every blessing and rest well!

Rev Karen

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